Piano Fingering Gloves Tutorial

“Mom, I can’t remember if my thumb is 5 or 1!” my oldest child said to me only last week. My third child also struggles to remember finger numbers on her beginner piano pieces. So I decided to try making some gloves that the children could slip on if they forget. Here is a tutorial on how to make piano fingering gloves for your piano students that are both fun and educational!

  1. First, you will need scissors, thread, a needle, 1 pair of fingerless gloves, and 2 sets of button numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (I ordered mine on e-bay).
piano fingering gloves tutorial
Assemble supplies.


2. Cut a fairly long piece of thread.

3. Thread needle and placing both cut ends together, tie a double knot.


thread needle
Thread needle and knot.



4. Place the “1” button on the thumb of either glove. Insert needle into hole of thumb and through one hole of the button.


sew button on glove
sew “1” button on glove thumb



5. Push needle through second hole making sure not to go through both layers of the glove. Repeat steps 4-5, 4 times, completing 4 loops.


Push needle through second hole.
Push needle through second hole.



6. Push needle through a couple strands of the glove on the underside of the button, but do not pull through.


Push needle through several threads.
Push needle through several strands under button.




7. Wrap thread around needle twice.


wrap thread around needle
Wrap thread around needle twice.



8. Pull needle through and cut loose ends.


pull needle through
Pull needle tight and cut loose ends



9. Repeat for all 10 buttons.


piano fingering gloves




My kids think these are really fun to wear. I’ve ordered multi coloured gloves to try next. So, gather your supplies and make your own, and let me know how you like them! I’d love to see photos!





1 thought on “Piano Fingering Gloves Tutorial”

  1. Pingback: Strategy To Get The Basic Chord Under Your Fingers. | The Sunrise Must Be Televised

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